IWD 2017: #BeBoldForChange
International Women’s Day is celebrated on March 8 each year to celebrate womanhood and the many vital roles they play in our lives and the society.
This year’s campaign theme is: “Be Bold For Change,” which encourages people to step up and take groundbreaking actions to help driving gender equality and equity.

International Women’s Day, 2017
It has been said by many that the most effective way of development is through empowering women. Thus, we remind ourselves every year of the many obstacles and hurdles that women face every day around different parts of the globe, while also celebrating the achievements of those who have overcome these barriers.
IWD has come to be increasingly associated with feminism and equal rights for women. It asserts the equal freedoms and rights that women have access to just like men, emphasizing heavily on gender equality and equity in order to work towards a better, sustainable world.
Despite women occupying many important positions within the political, cultural, economic and social frames, they still face abuse, violence and discrimination, and in many places, lack proper health care.
It is our responsibility as good human beings of the planet to ensure safety for all women and make the world more gender inclusive.
Utilizing women’s potential maximally will not only boost development, but also catalyse the strengthening of the economy.

International Women’s Day, 2017
At the moment, a gender gap persists across the globe, to the point where the World Economic Forum predicts the gap won’t close entirely until 2186. Figures show that globally, women’s education, health and violence towards women is still worse than that of men.
Let us all pledge to do everything we can to establish rights for women through advocacy and activism.
Will you #BeBoldForChange?
Choose how you want to raise your voice here.