Knowledge Fair on Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) is an annual event of Share-Net Bangladesh. Each year a theme is selected on the broad umbrella of SRHR to organize the largest event on SRHR knowledge sharing. More than 300 SRHR experts, specialists, researchers, academicians, practitioners, students join this event to share and learn new knowledge. Focusing on the theme, the event hosts plenary, scientific paper presentation, poster presentation, stall exhibition and much more.
6th SRHR Knowledge Fair
The 6th SRHR Knowledge Fair was successfully organized by Share-Net Bangladesh on 21st November 2021. The daylong event took place physically with the main guests, participants and presenters at Spectra Convention Centre, Gulshan-1, Dhaka. For all the online audience and attendees the event was broadcasted on an interactive virtual platform where more than 340 people attended. The virtual and physical venues were accessible for persons with disabilities.
Date: 21st November 2021 (Sunday)
Time: 09:30 AM to 01:40 PM (Bangladesh time)
Venue: Live broadcast from the Virtual Platform of SRHR Knowledge Fair 2021
At the event, young and experienced researchers gave intriguing presentations connected to the theme ‘Climate change and SRHR’. Experts discussed and expressed the need for more evidence and data on this burning issue. Moreover, it was also discussed that climate change impacts does not only provoke more child marriage and gender-based violence, but also hampers women’s reproductive health causing infertility and miscarriages due to increased salinity in water, especially in the char and coastal areas.
Dr Ubaidur Rob expressed the need for evidence on the issue of climate change impacts on SRHR. Ayesha Taasin Khan shared that they are generating union and upazila level data through their projects on climate-induced SRHR challenges that they are willing to provide for large-scale government programs. Dr Nazneen Islam Khan had stressed upon more research on gender and climate intersection. Mushfiqua Satiar strongly suggested to align climate funds with gender equality. The discussants also emphasized the importance of incorporating SRHR into policies and programs relating to climate adaptation.
The bright young researcher fellows of Share-Net Bangladesh gave intriguing presentations on child marriage and gender-based violence.
At the closing, Prof Dr Bellal Hossain, Department of Population Sciences, University of Dhaka shared about a noteworthy project named as ‘RISE’, which focuses on SRHR issues related to climate change.
“SRHR Recognition of the Year 2021” awards were delivered to Noorin Suhaila Asjad of Oroddho Foundation in the Youth category and to former Dhaka Tribune journalist Muktasree Chakma Sathi of Supporting People and Rebuilding Communities (SPaRC) in the general category.
Finally, with user friendly and inclusive features, the “Share-Net Bangladesh” mobile application was launched. The app is available in the Google Play Store and also will soon be available on Apple’s App Store.