Our Members
Chinnomul Manob Kallayan Society (CMKS), (A CBO for the Underprivileged Transgender & Gender Diversity)
About the organisation
Chinnomul Manob Kallayan Society (CMKS) is a gender diverse & transgender led CBO, commenced its journey in 2001 with vision to develop a prosperous environment-friendly society for gender diverse & transgender people, sex workers, street children, IDUs and PLHAs by organizing and ensuring their own participation in different constructive development initiatives and ensure their dignified lives. The overall goal of CMKS is to improve the quality lives of target groups with focusing on poverty alleviation, health & education, human rights, HIV/AIDS, disaster management and environmental protect.
The core values of CMKS are- i) Equality irrespective of caste, creed, race and gender; ii) Transparency & accountability; iii) human rights; and iv) Commitment & devotion. CMKS has already implemented more than 20 projects with national and international funds.
The major development partners are- Ministry of Health & Family Planning; Bandhu Social Welfare Society; Save the children (Nepal); UNDP (Bangkok); Amfar Foundation; Naz Foundation International; UNICEF; ICDDR.B; Health & Education for the Less Privileged People (HELP); Organization of Development for the Underprivileged (ODPUP); CARE–Bangladesh; PROSHAR ( ACDI/VOCA); and PCI Bangladesh. CMKS has 2 legal bodies: i) General Committee (GC); and ii) Executive Committee (EC). The GC consists of 620 members (Trans People-170; and Gender Diverse People-450) , the highest decision making body while EC consists of 7 members. The organization maintains strong financial and accounts system with full of accountability and responsibly.
As we are doing like those good practice and we have local donors as well as well- wishers, as we are local organization so that we got the supports at all emergency from these friends but we operate our projects and program as per grant allocation. Last but not least, CMKS dream of a world full of potentials and prospects, where exists compassion and fellow-feeling for one another. We dream to be part of an unfailing struggle for achieving social justice for all.
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