Snbd Members

Our Members

Inclusive Bangladesh

: 2014
Head of organisation
: Md Mamun Mollah
Contact Persons
: Tushar Kanti Baidya
Contact Persons Email

About the organisation

Inclusive Bangladesh is a non-registered, local non-profit and volunteer-based community youth organization from Dhaka, Bangladesh. Its mission is to construct an inclusive culture through ensuring quality education, addressing hate speech and violent extremism, promoting interfaith dialogue and gender diversity with active participation of youths across Bangladesh.

Its coherent vision is to promote an egalitarian society while the local youths will be in the leading function to empower each other, become future leaders, ensure human rights and active play role in constructing a sustainable, just, equitable and peaceful society.

Inclusive Bangladesh works with the Commonwealth, European Union, UNESCO MGIEP, the Peacemakers Network and some other international youth networks to promote peace, religious literacy, SRHR, sexual diversity through education.

SRHR publications/research

বাংলায় লিঙ্গবৈচিত্রের শব্দগুচ্ছ-SEXUAL DIVERSITY RELATED TERMS IN BANGLA-Ebook