Criminalisation of Young People’s Choices

‘Over-criminalization’ harms some people more than others, including young people. Violations of the human rights of young people are frequently set aside in the name of ‘protection.’ However, rather than reducing harm, these punitive laws and policies result in criminalizing young people—especially young women, adolescent girls, and other people experiencing marginalization. When they seek sexual and reproductive health information, services, and advocacy, their ability to make informed decisions is hampered due to laws, policies and regulations that hamper their access to social, legal and health services. Criminalization puts those who are supposed to be protected at risk of discrimination, violence, harassment, extortion, and incarceration.

In this website hosted by CREA, you will find information about the roots behind the criminalisation of young people, resources and knowledge products about Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for transgenders and young people.

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