Empowering Youth through Mobile Apps: Accessing Accurate SRHR Knowledge

In today’s digital age, mobile health (mHealth) applications are playing a pivotal role in providing easily accessible and comprehensive healthcare information. While a multitude of health-related apps exist, one area where these apps hold immense potential is sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). In a conservative society like Bangladesh, where discussing SRHR openly remains a challenge, these apps serve as a lifeline for young individuals seeking answers to their questions and concerns.

Smartphones have become an indispensable part of our lives, and mobile apps have revolutionized how we access and share information. The World Health Organization defines mHealth as the use of mobile and wireless technologies to achieve health objectives. It’s no surprise that the mHealth market is booming, with physicians increasingly relying on mobile health apps to enhance patient care.

The importance of accurate SRHR knowledge cannot be understated, especially among adolescents who are curious about various aspects of their bodies, relationships, and health. Research conducted by UNICEF indicates that adolescents often turn to the internet for answers to their questions, given the cultural taboo around openly discussing these topics. In Bangladesh, adolescents and young adults are the highest users of mobile and internet services, making mobile apps an ideal platform to provide accurate SRHR information.

However, several challenges persist in the current landscape. The fear of identity theft and data privacy breaches often deters young users from utilizing these services. Many SRHR apps also perpetuate myths and lack gender-inclusive features, excluding members of the gender-diverse community. Moreover, some apps can be monotonous and unengaging, prompting users to seek alternatives with interactive features.

This is where the “Amra Jante Chai” (We Want to Know) app, developed by the James P. Grant School of Public Health at BRAC University, stands out. This app has been designed with the specific needs of young people in mind, addressing various SRHR topics in a user-friendly manner. It covers a wide range of subjects, from sex education and myths about SRHR to coping mechanisms for mental health issues.

One notable feature of this app is its interactive approach. The “Let’s Break Down Misconceptions” section uses a rotary dial to present myths and then provides explanations to debunk them, keeping users intrigued and informed. There are also animations and a game focused on SRHR, which aim to reduce stigma and make discussing SRHR more comfortable.

One of the most engaging features is the section on mental health, “Mechanisms to Cope with your Inner Feelings.” It offers valuable insights into understanding and managing various emotions, an essential aspect of adolescent development.

Moreover, the “Amra Jante Chai” app is designed to be user-friendly, requiring no login information and ensuring data privacy. This approach not only enhances the overall user experience but also fosters a sense of trust and security among users.

In a society where open discussions about SRHR are limited, such apps provide a safe space for young individuals to access accurate information and discuss their concerns. These apps have the potential to create a more confident and self-aware generation, paving the way for a better future.

Teenagers need an open space to discuss SRHR issues, and the “Amra Jante Chai” app does just that. It raises awareness and empowers young individuals with accurate information. It’s crucial that such SRHR apps are promoted through campaigns and programs involving national and international partners and stakeholders, including the Education Ministry.

As the mHealth market continues to grow, we can look forward to more user-friendly SRHR apps that will ensure a brighter and more informed future for our youth. In a world where information is at our fingertips, it’s essential that the knowledge we access is not only accurate but also easily accessible to all.

Source: The Daily Observer

Want to take a look at the 1st SRHR App in Bangladesh? Download Share-Net Bangladesh Mobile App 

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