Experience of Bullying: Secondary School Students

Bullying among middle-school youth and adolescents has become a serious problem now-a-days. Verbal bullying occurs more common among females and physical bullying is more common in males. Male pupils sometimes described bullying in terms of dominance and hierarchy within their peer culture. They also acknowledged that this bullying works as shaping and management of masculinity in secondary school.

There is a tendency for schools to, at worst, bury their heads in the sand when it comes to tackling bullying, and even, at best, to under-estimate the extent to which bullying is a problem. We can see that the role of parents and their involvement with school can be extremely important in this respect. Not only do young people often talk to their parents about bullying issues, they can be in a position to provide a link with the school if their child is unwilling to talk about being bullied to teachers.


Coldwell, M., Logie, A., Povey, H., & Site, C. C. SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS’EXPERIENCE OF BULLYING. Unpublished report, School of Education, Sheffield Hallam University. Retrived20.


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