The Waterloo Foundation

TWF aims to support organisations which help economically disadvantaged communities and people build the basis of sustainable prosperity. TWF is committed to providing support to developing countries that will be used in a sustainable way with lasting impact, and which avoids promoting a culture of aid-dependency. All grant applicants should be able to demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach, and show how they meet the Foundation’s objectives.

The Main Grants under the World Development Programme are given to large, established organisations working at a regional or national scale that can demonstrate the sustained impact of their programmes, in the areas of to SRH and Nutrition. Priority will be given to UK-based organisations, although applications from overseas partners will also be accepted. Please note that applications to our Main Grants Programme within the fields of Education and WASH are not currently being accepted.

TWF currently supports the two principal themes of work to help achieve this goal under the ‘Main Grants’:


We recognise that development work at this scale often takes a reasonable period of time before achievements are evident, and we will therefore consider providing multi-annual grants. Grant durations are usually between 1-3 years. The majority of our grants in this programme are for a total amount of between £50,000 and £100,000. We are happy for any grant we provide to be a contribution towards the total programme budget, rather than the whole amount.


Before applying, visit our thematic pages to ensure that your project aligns with TWF’s current funding priorities: SRH and Nutrition.

Our Main Grants Programme is open all year round without topic-specific
deadlines. Please feel free to apply at any point by emailing your application to We are unable to assess applications sent to any other email address.

Please note that we aim to acknowledge all applications within 7 days of receipt. If we have not acknowledged your application within 14 days, please contact us via or on 02920 838980 to ensure that it has arrived safely.

We don’t have a formal application form, so you are free to formulate your proposal as you wish.  However, when applying to the World Development Fund, please follow these guidelines:

  • Limit the proposal to approximately 2-3 sides of A4, and send it in the body of an email. Please note that tables and figures don’t always display well in this format.
  • At the very top of your application, please list the following key information:
    • Your organisation’s name and address
    • The title of your project
    • The amount you are requesting and over what period of time
    • Key contact details for the application.
  • Please state clearly that you are applying under our World Development Main Grants Programme, and state which theme you are applying to – Nutrition or Sexual and Reproductive Health. Please also let us know how you heard about this particular funding programme.
  • Don’t include attachments or photos; we can ask for these later on.
  • Supply other basic information on your organisation – address, charitable status, annual income and expenditure, sources of funding and website address.
  • Supply a reference if you are applying as an organisation based in a developing country (see the Frequently Asked Questions for more guidance on this).
  • Provide evidence that your previous projects have led to successful outcomes and sustained impact.
  • Briefly describe the project or purpose for which you are seeking funding. You must outline how this meets the priorities of the programme you are applying to.
  • Provide brief project details such as cost, timescales and activities. We don’t need to see the full project plan or budget at this stage.
  • Briefly outline the anticipated project outcomes and how these will be measured, including any post-implementation studies you plan to undertake.


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