Healthy Habits to Follow During Menopause

Menopause is a condition that women experience at the age between 45-55. It refers to the time when women permanently stop menstruating, which means that her reproductive system will no longer function. Menopause is followed by the decrease in the production of oestrogen and progesterone, which is linked to many other problems such as hot flushes, skin dryness and wrinkles, vaginal dryness, decreased sex drive, osteoporosis, memory problems, diminished cognitive ability and focus, mood swings, fatigue, and weight gain etc.

Here are a few tips to help women improve their memory during the phase of menopause:

  • Hormone replacement therapy
  • Get enough rest, meditate, avoid stimulants such as caffeine.
  • Eat healthy food such as salmon, eggs and tuna
  • Exercise to stimulate the flow of blood. Weight lifting will help to produce hormone

Going through the phase of menopause does not mean that one is getting old. Taking good care of yourself by excercising, resting, eating healthy and always thinking positive will help you to feel young and look young. \

Source: The Daily Star

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